Beloved hearts, I have been called to be a custodian for the Andara Crystals and invite you to receive one of our beautiful Andara Crystal Pendants and/or highly energized Andara Crystals.
Called the "Crystals of the Masters", the Andaras are multidimensional elemental beings, assisting us as sacred Flames of Divinity to connect multidimensionally and expand our consciousness. They express atomically/monatomically in connecting us to our multidimensional Selves, Higher Selves and timelines of our Highest Potential, as well as synchronizing our work flow in both the dream state and awakening states for greater levels of joy, passion and purpose.
The Andara Crystals take us deeper into our loving hearts and streamline our work focus and spiritual goals. They assist us to communicate more deeply with others, as well as animals and nature and share with us different ways to expand our consciousness.
Many of us who have Andara Crystals take them out into the sun regularly, sleep with them, caress them, chat to them and communicate deeply with them. They truly are living beings.
In my own experience in merging with the Andara Crystals, I became Andara; filled with different colors, almost like dancing auroras, with particular sonic frequencies and geometries of Light. This healing energy/activational energy is profound. As an Andarian, I moved into the body parts and organs that needed this “healing light” of sonic frequency, sacred geometry, sound and color, feeling and sensing the different multi-colored light show within each body part and organ, as I let go and let God, and expanded beyond the old and into the new.
The Andarian Beings are ancient custodians of Cosmic Consciousness and in this timeline, as we deepen into Unity Consciousness, and expand multidimensionally, we are ready to work with these beautiful Beings once more. To allow for a deepening sense of Oneness with All, and to Remember Who We Are, in our collective Magnificence and Light as God/Source Light.
The Andara Crystals call us when we are ready. Each one holds a different multidimensional frequency and facet of Unity Consciousness. Some are Gatekeepers or Grid Keepers or Healing Beings, some assist in Galactic and/or Quantum Field Communication and yet others assist with Body Work, Chakra Clearing, Rebalancing, and amplifying the qualities of Peace, Harmony and so on.
Essentially, they act as a bridge of Light and interstellar travel of us all, to open all new Light Codes frlom within as we move beyond each ring-passeth-not.
When you hold one of the Andara Crystals, you may feel this holographic rebalancing, like a mini hologram of the universal hologram, activating within and around the body and energy field. And when you hold the Andara Crystal up in natural sunlight, you will often see dolphins or whales or star beings or rainbows as they further change color, frequency and geometry.
The Andara Crystal you receive is lovingly chosen for you, and activated through natural sunlight, regular cleansing, sound frequencies, fairy lights and some too, have been tumbled with essential oil blends. And are all very deeply loved and appreciated.
I look forward to tuning in and seeing which Andara Crystal wants to work and play with you, beloved heart.
Anrita Melchizedek
In truth the Andara Crystal Elemental Beings choose you.
I simply make a connection to your Higher Self/Selves, and as I tune in, I get a sense of the colors or energies or frequencies of the Andara Crystal that wants to play/work with you.
I am very connected to the Andarian Beings and Crystals. Each one is like my child. I spend weeks and sometimes months with each crystal, amplifying, activating and communicating and receiving all the benefits that go with this.
Each day the Andara Crystals go into the sun, are cleansed with water, and sometimes at night are put under fairy lights.
I have Master Crystals that also assist in activating the smaller Andara Crystals.
Mostly though, they are all just simply loved and appreciated.
To keep Andara Crystal or Andara Crystal Pendant charged, please remember to place it in sunlight and spend time with it.
The primary different between the Andara Crystal Pendants and the Andara Crystals is firstly one is a Pendant, and secondly, the size differs slightly.
The Andara Crystal Pendants are usually a little smaller than the Andara Crystal, although they are the same price ($77).
The Andara Crystal Pendant is roughly 40-60gsm and the Andara Crystal approx. 50-70gsm.
We also have bigger pieces. If you may be interested in this, you can email us at with your request.
Lastly, we usually choose the color for you. However, if you truly want a particular color, you can email us and we can see if we may have it for you. Your Crystal Andara is a truly a most precious gift beloved heart for the next level of your Soul's blossoming & Light.
New Earth Guide, Soul Reader, Intuitive Apothecarist, Light Weaver, Visionary, Wayshower, Gate Keeper, Grid Keeper, and Andara Custodian.
As an Ascension Guide, Anrita draws upon the Light Codes of Highest Potentiality from within as well through the New Earth Templates in the form of sacred geometry, sound, color, and frequency, and transmits and shares these frequency codes through her Light work. Her primary gift is assisting the Light Tribe to weave their codes of potentiality and Soul expansion into their greatest expression of Service in Love through reading the collective blueprints of the I Am Avatar Consciousness, the Higher Selves of all awakened Souls.
Her greatest joy is to be of service in Love.
“Love, Love my Andara Crystal Pendant, thank you so much my darling Anrita. My son also loves the Light Codes of his incredible Andara Crystal Pendant, which is currently changing color and energy to match his vibration. So powerful and amazing. We can really feel the energies. Thank you Anrita. So grateful for you.”
Dearest Anrita,
Just wanted to get in touch to thank you and to saying that I am really enjoying the energy of my new pendent!
Since receiving the pendant, I now feel a deeper sense of connection with my own love and joy which I am loving.
I have also felt more confident in my spiritual work which is an additional blessing.
This experience has definitely converted me to an appreciation of Andara crystals too.
Thanks again.
Very Best Wishes
“Thank you so much for my beautiful Andara Crystals dear Anrita. They are on my altar. It is amazing. It is like the Andara Crystals have always been there, balancing the energy of my Angel crystals. It is absolutely stunning. They are bringing up for me what I am still needing to clear. I am just allowing these old beliefs to surface and dissolve as the new presents. I am so incredibly grateful.”
Hi Anrita,
I received my beautiful Andara’s just after Christmas.
Thank you for the additional blue/clear one. That was so very intuitive of you.
The green Andara really got my attention.
I love them.
Thank you.
Usually orders go out weekly with courier and can take 3-4 weeks to arrive.
Yes, you are paying for the courier service which is $44.
Yes, a tracking number is provided with the shipping.
In addition to the Andara Pendants and Crystals, you are also most welcome to purchase one of the Andara Essences.
These are intutively created essences made using the sun method and stablized and perservced in colloidal silver holding the frequency of the related Andara.
Yes, absolutely. We have worked with your Andara Crystal/Pendant to activate it. To maintain this frequency, you do need to understand it is a "light being" and requires water for cleansing, sunlight for charging, and lamp lights occasionally at night.
Mostly though, keep it with you, chat to it, caress it, sleep with it and work with it. You will notice changes within a couple of weeks as it communicates with you and takes on new patterns and light codes, depending on what you are needing.
Soul Scents Essential Oil Sprays
Beloved hearts, you further the opportunity to add to your order a beautiful Soul Scents Spray. The Soul Scents Spray is part of a range of pure essential oil blends, infused with Angel energies, crystals, diamonds, sacred geometry and sound.
Soul Scents Sprays further creates change through the energy field, DNA, olfactory senses and within the brain. There are 12 different beautiful out-of-this-world heavenly scents and we will choose one just for you.
Anrita Melchizedek